Eurojuris Stockholm

Eurojuris Stockholm

The learning and improvement of the services provided by the EUROJURIS offices in the field of business investment was completed by carrying out a practical case, on a real assumption. Choosing the best option among several “target” companies, and developing not only the precise steps for the taking of position, but evaluating the subsequent result to verify that the client has really achieved an increase in the value of his company.Juan-Antonio Berdejo Vidal attended the meeting of working groups and continuous training in corporate law of the EUROJURIS network. The meeting took place in Stockholm and brought together more than 70 offices, from USA to Dubai and Israel, through all the EU countries. The discussed topics were the action and decision protocols in M ​​& A, and the operation of the Joint Ventures.

Finally, in terms of Joint Ventures, the legal situation in Russia, Germany and Spain was analyzed. This last intervention was on behalf of BERDEJO-ABOGADOS.

The next appointment, in October, will be in Dubai.

Act link:

Abogados en Santander, Cantabria. 2018

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